(515) 795-3216 info@iowaarboretum.org

 Group Visit Learning Opportunities

Elevate your group experience with interactive educational activities and programs that will enhance your outing and take your field trip to the next level!

Educator-led or self-guided options are available. Fees are added to the base group rate admission price.

Educational Programs ($3 per student)

Educator-led programs facilitate learning by actively engaging students through active experiences and guided inquiry while exploring and observing the natural environments of the Arboretum.

All educational programs include:

     Guided garden tour (~30 minutes)

     Interactive topic area learning (~30 minutes)


Here We Grow!

Designed for younger students and adapted for the ages in each group. Programming is play-based and includes active songs, fingerplays, and a guided garden tour.

     Here We Grow! focus area options: Trees, Flowers, Habitats and Wildlife.

First Grade – 5th Grade

Gardens Galore

Garden definition, purpose (hobby, food, aesthetics, land use, environmental), planning for a garden, planting and growth processes

Tree Safari

Tree definition, tree structure & function, benefits, tree varieties and growth processes, tree conservation

Habitat Hunt

Habitat definition, diversity, habitats of the Arboretum (woodland, prairie, wetland, gardens), habitat protection

EXPLORATION: Pollination!

Pollination definition, function and processes, pollinator species, pollinator protection

Critter Quest

Wildlife definition, varieties and growth processes (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, insects), wildlife habitats, animals of the Arboretum

Flower Fanatics

Flower definition, structure and function, growth processes (pollination, seed production, flowers to food), benefits

Self-guided Activities (FREE)

Themed Educational Backpacks (available to reserve for check-out)

Themed Scavenger Hunts

Teacher guides

Scavenger Hunts and Teacher Guides are available as requested from groupvisits@iowaarboretum.org